Model: WZR0103

Australia , Austria , Belgium , Brazil , Cambodia , Canada , China , Denmark , Finland , France , Ghana , Hong Kong , Hungary , Indonesia , Ireland , Italy , Japan , South Korea , Latvia , Luxembourg , Macau , Malaysia , Mexico , Netherlands , New Zealand , Nigeria , Norway , Pakistan , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Russian Federation , Singapore , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Taiwan , Thailand , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States , Viet Nam , Serbia

Product Description


Through GMP high quality production and the latest research and deployment, it can help the mucous mucociliary swinging and discharge of the respiratory tract, relieve the allergy caused by pollen dust and even the chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, all of which have good performance. It can enhance nasal cavity immunity, nasal mucosa resistance, anti inflammation and anti allergy. No sleepiness, no steroid and hormone, mild nature and no adverse side effects. It can be taken for a long time.

Effective components can be used in fan Park

- relieving symptoms of nasal allergy, rhinitis, or mucositis

- remove the nasal and respiratory secretions and breathe smoothly.

- helps to enhance nasal immunity and resistance to allergens.

- strengthening nasal mucosa helps restore the function of nasal epithelial tissue.

- to enhance nasal and respiratory access, or to reduce snoring.


Suitable object

- acute rhinitis and chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

-Nasal allergy and obstruction of the nasal cavity

- anaphylaxis caused by pollen dust

Nasal water reflux and nasal discomfort

Rhinosinusitis and rhinosinusitis

- smoking, drinking, phlegm and coughing

- poor breathing, tired and weak people


1 tablets 3 times a day


3 times a day, 2-3 tablets for 150-180 days each time; nasal disease can be a long-term disease, a high recurrence rate; moderate and persistent exercise to enhance its own resistance, adequate sleep and diet, away from the allergen, especially to avoid smoking and drinking harm to the nasal problem has a great benefit.


The product is made up of natural plant herbs. It is possible to change color (or deep or shallow) in different seasons. It is normal and does not affect its quality. Please be assured of use. .


Packing specification: 60 grain


Storage: keep cool and dry. Do not let children take them. Consult a doctor's instructions during pregnancy or milk