Model: CTCN0102
Product Description
Cut Lee Sau
Indications: Fever, diarrhea and vomiting, removing phlegm, cough, tranquilizing mind, poor appetite and restlessness at night.
Dosage : Infant below one month old half vial for each time, infant over one month old one vial for each time, children over three years old two vial for each time. Two times daily and taken with warm water.
Caution: Baby at the breast and infants don’t eat cold, fishy, deep fried and oily food.
規格package:0.25 X12瓶
貯存Store: Store in a dark and dry place, under the temperature of 25 °C
冰片Brorneolum(14mg), 燕窩Bird’s Nest(1.5mg), 珍珠 Pearl[Margarita](13mg), 琥珀Amber [Succinium](17mg), 川貝Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae(17mg), 防風Radix Saposhnikoviae(20mg), 鈎藤Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis(19mg), 製僵蠶Processed Bombyx Batryticatus(19mg), 蟬蛻Periostracum Cicadae(14mg), 製白附子Processed Rhizoma Typhonii(14mg), 製全蠍 Processed Scorpio (23mg)其它成分100%
香港中成藥註冊編號: HKP-06856