Model: CTMP0122
- 藥店
- Hong Kong dispensary
- 香港藥品
- Hong Kong drugstore
- 家庭便藥
- Family medicine
- 漢方中成藥
- Chinese medicine
- 香港老在大藥房-透骨貼
Product Description
【 Function and Indications 】 Soothing tendons and activating collaterals, stabbing bone pain, damp pain and bone pain, pain relief and swelling reduction, limb paralysis and bone pain, muscle fatigue, joint pain, and injuries caused by falls and falls
【 Ingredients 】 Mint essential oil, bergamot fragrance, chili essential oil, one root extract, lavender essential oil, resin extract.
【 Instructions 】 It is recommended to use it for no more than six hours, and not to stick more than two pieces at the same place in a day.
【 Packaging Specification 】 Ten piece packaging, with each piece measuring 11x16cm.
Attention: Do not apply directly to ulcerative or purulent skin or wounds. If there is any pain after application, please remove it immediately; If there are any items in red, please stop using them for a few days. If there is paste sticking after removing the patch, please gently wipe the surface of the removed paste to eliminate it. Sweating can reduce the adhesion of the cream surface. Before applying, please use a dry towel or other towel to dry before applying. Unused ointment cloth, please put it in an aluminum bag and store it in a cold and dark place.
This product is for external use, please do not swallow. For use by children under two years old, it is necessary to consult a physician or pharmacist
This product is not registered under the Pharmaceutical and Poison Regulations or the Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulations. Any claims made for this product have not been evaluated for such registration. This product is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of any disease.
Made in Taiwan for external use only
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. The product is not intended to diagnosis, treat or prevent any disease.