Curecough Expectorant
Model: L0104
Product Description
CURECOUGH Expectorant
This expectorant is designed specially for the people who need to control sugar feeding. This product will not affect the serum sugar concentration. Therefore, it suitable for the old people and children. Besides, this expectorant can effectively relieve productive, unproductive, allergic cough due to common cold, influenza, pharyngitis, the other upper respiratory tract infections, smoking, drinking or cold air allergy. It also can relieve running nose and sneezing. Moreover, it is also the supplement for lung.
Dosage and Administration:
Three to four times daily
(for serious case, needless to take this expectorant with water.)
Adult: 10 to 15ml (2 to 3 teaspoonfuls) for each time.
Children: (6 to 12 years old): 5 to 7.5ml (1 to 1.5 teaspoonful) for each time.
Children: (2 to6 years old): 2.5ml (half teaspoonful) for each time.
This expectorant is safety and no typical side effects. No drowsiness occurs, after taking this expectorant. However, if allergy appears after taking this medicine, stop apply this medicine at once.
Keep the expectorant with well-closed. Besides, keep it in a cool dry place.