Model: CTDX9011
Product Description
Common Cold、 Dizziness 、Car-sickness 、Vomiting、 Sores、Rheumatism 、Headache 、Sour Throat、 Injury and Bleeding、 Mosquito or Insect Bites、Cough、Air-sickness、Sea-sickness、Dysentery、Chilblains、Arthritis、Toothache、Abdominal Pain、Scalds、Bruises and Sprains。
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: WHITE GOLD OIL is made from medicinal herbs and is a specific drug for eliminating rheumatism and relieving inflammation and pain. Free from any side-effects it can be effectively used for general diseases just by applying externally on different places of the body according to different cases listed below. It is really a good drug for family life and travelling.
[COMMON COLD] Apply the drug on the palate, the back of the neck, the rear of the ears, the shoulders, the chest, the back, the pulse places of the wrists and ankles. For feeling tiredness, apply the drug on the calf. For feeling headache, apply the drug on the forehead and the temples. Keep warm too.
【COUGH】 Apply the drug on the palate, Adam's apple, the rear of the ears and the chest.
[SORE THROAT] Apply the drug on the palate, Adam's apple, the rear of the ears.
[STUFFED NOSE] Apply the drug on the palate, nostrils, shoulders, the rear of the ears and the back of the neck.
[HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, AIR-SICKNESS, CARSICKNESS, SEA-SICKNESS] Apply the drug on the forehead, the temples and the rear of the ears. [ABDOMINAL PAIN OR DISCOMFORT] Apply the drug on the navel area and keep warm. It can be taken 3 drops for adults.
[NEURALGIA, MUSCLE PAIN, SCALDS, DYSENTERY, BRUISES, SPRAINS, CHILBLAINS, MOSQUITO OR INSECT BITES] Apply the drug on the affected area. [INJURY AND BLEEDING] Put a piece of cotton and apply the drug on the wound.
[TOOTHACHE] Insert a stick of the oiled cotton in between the teeth.
[RHEUMATISM, LATER TROUBLE OF BRUISES OR SPRAINS, ARTHRITIS] Apply enough drug on the affected area twice or three times a day. (As for the pain moving around different areas, apply the drug on the painful area.) When the pain is relieving, apply nee or twice daily until it is cured.
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